
pydiodon.pca_iv(A, B, k=- 1, meth='svd', pretreatment='col_centering', transpose=False)[source]

PCA of an array with instrumental variables

Aa numpy array, the items/variable to be analyzed
Ba numpy array, the intrumental variables
kan integer
metha string ; method for numerical calculation
pretreatmenta string, the pretreatment of A and B

currently, only `col_centering`is implemented

Ya n x k 2D numpy array

the components

La k 1D numpy array

the eigenvalues

Va p x k 2D numpy array

the new basis

A_proja n x p 2D numpy array

the projection of A on the subspace of \(R^n\) spanned by the columns of B


A_pre is a copy of A for tracking preatreatments, and recover the matrix analyzed after preatreatments, without impacting A

The algorithm is as follows:

  • Build \(P = B(B'B)^{-1}B'\) which is the projector in \(R^n\) on the subspace spanned by the columns of B.

  • build A_proj = PA which is the projection of A on the subspace spanned by the columns of B

  • do PCA of A_proj : Y,L,V = PCA(A_proj)


This has not been tested; no guarantee on the quality of the result.

21/02/2018, révised 22.09.28, 22.10.14